Vision and values


Wade Street Church is a church at the heart of the city, with Christ at the heart of the church. It is a place where lives are being changed by God, and his people look upwards in worship, forwards to growth and maturity, and outwards in care, concern and evangelism.

In Wade Street Church we value:

Love – this is the heart of the Christian message and the essential nature of God (who himself is love). We will take a caring, accepting, inclusive and encouraging approach. We shall strive to be compassionate and forgiving. It also means challenging everyone (lovingly) to be everything they can be in Christ.

Integrity – we shall endeavour to deal with one another consistently in an open, honest and loving way. We will challenge falsehood when we encounter it and recognise the damaging effect it can have on the unity of the fellowship.

Humility – we are ‘guides not gurus’. We will walk humbly alongside everyone on their journey, listening to them and exhibiting an open and honest attitude to our faith, sharing Jesus but admitting that we all need more of Him.

Respect and Significance – this means making space for everyone to contribute, grow and develop as well as make mistakes! We will seek to empower everyone (old and young) and serve them, relinquishing control where possible and allowing them to find and establish their own identity in Christ.