What can I expect?
On Sundays we meet together in the church buildings to worship God and to learn more about him and his ways from the Bible. Worship is fairly informal, with prayers, readings and a sermon – as well as songs and music, both contemporary and traditional, led by a small group of talented musicians.
We make use of modern technology in the service and we usually live-stream and record for those who cannot get to the church building itself. All ages meet together (although children and young people have their own activities for part of that time) and after the services there is the opportunity to meet together over a cup of coffee in the rooms behind the church.
Usually there are two morning services – at 9am, which is a fairly quiet and reflective service; and at 11am, which is more lively and family-friendly.
Online services
Please see our YouTube channel for our online services.
Morning services
9am (no children’s activities)
11am Children join in the first 15 minutes of the morning service and then go into Sunday Club or Crèche.
Communion is the third Sunday of every month.
Evening services
There is a service at 6.30pm on some Sunday evenings, including a Healing Service on the 4th Sunday of the month.